
Forced Migration is the New Face of Climate Change

As climate change has influenced forced migration around the globe, the Central American refugees could be a strong indicator of what climate migrations will look like in the very near future. In the wake of the United Nations IPCC report,…

Breakthrough Moment to End Deforestation for Palm Oil

2018 has been a full year of campaigning to end forest destruction for dirty palm oil, and if Wilmar sticks to its promise to monitor its suppliers, forest destroyers will have nowhere to hide. It’s been a full year of…

Greenpeace Ships Are Setting Sail to Tackle the Global Plastic Pollution Crisis

Wanna know where plastic pollution really starts and ends? Join the Rainbow Warrior and Beluga as they set sail to find out all about it. Corporations have created a plastic monster. Over 90% of the plastics ever produced have not…

10 Things You Need to Know About the Students Skipping School to Fight Climate Change

“Adults — if you feel uncomfortable now, you’re going to feel uncomfortable for a while. Because we’re never going to back down.” Isra Hirsi just turned 16 years old. To celebrate, she came home from school and spent three hours…

A devastating health crisis remains from Cyclone Idai

On March 14, Cyclone Idai made landfall in southern Africa. Chances are, no one predicted the results would be this harrowing. The storm has affected almost three million people, including over 1,000 casualties and two million displaced. For those who…

What if we treated our oceans like they matter?

The seas provide half of our oxygen, and food for a billion people. Let’s give them the protection they deserve. Under the restless surface of our seas, hundreds of miles from land, there’s a world of giants and hunters; ancient…

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